Serious Sam Great Again Hot Babes

"Past the middle of the 21st. century, having bled the Earth dry out, mankind was on the verge of plummet. So, a startling discovery was made. Beneath the sands of the primeval known human civilization, traces of some other, even more than ancient, merely technologically advanced civilization are uncovered. The profound scientific implications of this discovery would lead humankind to the far reaches of the universe. Everything seemed perfect. But perfect never lasts. Without alarm, the Earth was attacked by a chaotic horde of marauding aliens. Within three years, humankind was staring into the confront of its own annihilation. In desperation, the world leaders turned to their last chance, an ancient antiquity called the Time-Lock. They believed this relic from a long-forgotten race was a portal to a point in ancient history, and their but chance for survival. If only they knew how to plow it on."

Serious Sam 3: BFE note curt for "Before First Encounter is a First-Person Shooter videogame developed by Croteam, published past Devolver Digital, and released in Nov 22, 2011, for PC, Playstation iii and Xbox 360. It's the fourth installment in the Serious Sam serial.

The game is a prequel prepare during Earth's final days attempting to repel Mental's invading hordes. Humanity doesn't yet know how to actuate the Time-Lock, and Sam has been sent in with a squad of EDF redshirts to find a scientist who might know. Things become rather sour from there.

The game has a more than realistic wait than the other games, with Sam returning to mow downward hordes afterward hordes of monsters with an array of different weapons. It as well takes hints from modernistic shooters with additions such equally melee kills, atomic number 26 sights and sprinting.

In order to promote the game, Croteam picked upwards three indie companies who created SS games: Mommy'south Best Games created Serious Sam Double D, a side-scrolling shooter, Be-Rad Amusement created Serious Sam Kamikaze Attack, a Perspective Flip where players control a Beheaded Kamikaze hellbent on killing Sam, and Vlambeer created Serious Sam: The Random Meet, which is basically SS reimagined as a Role-Playing Game.

In 2022 the game received the VR treatment; this version was released every bit Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE.

Followed past Serious Sam 4, another prequel.

Run into also

  • The Character sheets.
  • The Shout Out page.

This game shows examples of

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    Principal game

  • Ace Pilot: Hellfire is introduced as the "crazy pilot" that dared to travel to the Great Pyramid in guild to pick up Sam.
  • Action Flop: The Beheaded Kamikaze, which constantly screams "AAAAAAAA" every bit it runs towards the player, despite having no head. According to NETRICSA, they have vocalization synthesizers implanted in them to psyche out their targets.
  • Action Girl: Hellfire is famed for existence a badass on par with Sam. Unfortunately, even she was overwhelmed by Mental's forces.
  • Airborne Mook: In addition to the Witch-Harpies, the game introduces the telekinetic Witch-Brides.
  • A.K.A.-47:
    • The pistol is modeled later a Desert Eagle, and is chosen "Special Operations Pistol from 2038", or "SOP38" for brusque.
    • The assail rifle looks like a pimped out HK416 and is chosen "M29 Infantry Assault Burglarize".
  • Alien Invasion: The game puts you right in the middle of World's last stand before Sam is sent to the by.
  • Anachronism Stew: Sam flies around in Blackhawk helicopters between missions despite said helicopter design, by the fourth dimension the game takes place, being more than a century old. Egypt looks pretty much like how it looks today (but more blown upwardly), and the ruined cars that dot the levels appear to exist early on 1990s Peugots, which would exist equivalent to a modern city being full of Ford Model Ts.
  • Ancient Astronauts: The Sirians. Virtually evident here, where y'all notice their hidden facilities below ancient landmarks, similar the Corking Pyramid and the ruined cities of Karnak and Luxor. The fashion their stuff looks would seem to imply that the Egyptians adopted their aesthetic.
  • And Evidence It to You: Sam'south melee kill of the beheaded rocketeers involve him ripping their hearts out.
  • And Your Reward Is Wearing apparel: Sam is noticeably missing his trademark red sneakers at the get-go. If you find the "classic outfit" clandestine in the get-go level, he regains them for the residue of the game.
  • Anti-Armor: Apparently the intention behind the AS-24 Devastator. Its explosive rounds fly extremely fast and can pierce several pocket-sized enemies in a row, and while a directly hit hurts a lot, the Splash Damage is extremely weak.
  • Anti-Frustration Features: Because Khnum and Technopolyp Gunships are Immune to Bullets, whenever y'all have to fight ane there's e'er a crate of respawning explosive ammo somewhere nearby and so the game isn't Unintentionally Unwinnable if yous run out of explosives.
  • Apocalypse How: World itself is destroyed by having the moon thrown at it at the end. All that's left behind is a cluster of asteroids.
  • Arbitrary Gun Power:
    • Surprisingly plenty for a genre that adheres to this trope, downplayed. The .45 ACP handgun deals slightly less impairment per shot than the 5.56x45mm assault rifle, which deals one-half as much damage equally the 7.62x51mm minigun, which deals less than i/10 the damage of the 16mm Raptor anti-materiel rifle. These damage values are all fairly consistent with these weapons' real-earth muzzle velocities (or their equivalents). As a result, several weapons are tremendously overpowered.
    • Played straight by the rocket launcher, which only deals the same damage as the 40mm Devastator grenade launcher despite firing ridiculously huge rockets. note The rockets say "155mm Inferno" on them, and are described as armor-piercing (and then probable HEAT); the large unmarried-shot Javelin missile used by the U.S. Army is only 123mm for comparison. The dirt-common RPG-7'due south rocket, from 70mm to 93mm depending on the warhead.
  • Arm Cannon:
    • Biomechanoids come in ii varieties: smaller blue ones with laser cannons, and bigger ruddy ones with rocket launchers.
    • The Scrapjack has two Rocket Launchers instead of arms.
    • Both Arachnoid variants take minigun cannons.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: One of the posters of the Secret Thousand of Fame invokes this trope, every bit one of the devs being accused of "arson, theft, destruction, mass murderings and jaywalking".
  • Art Evolution: Sam retakes the realistic path, though still significantly distanced from its inspiration.
  • Bogus Brilliance: The AI was improved when compared to other games. Enemies are more accurate, shoot their weapons faster, occasionally hibernate behind stuff, and can move out of the fashion of your projectiles - a few enemies (such every bit the Kleer Skeletons) will even occasionally try to flank the player.
  • A-Team Firing: The Sniper Rifle won't hitting unless the thespian zooms.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: The Alcor Class Warship has hatches from which up to twenty.000 enemies are deployed. These hatches act as its only weak signal, and are very susceptible to all kinds of damage.
  • Attack of the fifty-Human foot Whatever:
    • The titanic Khnum, whose height is at least v times that of Sam.
    • Ugh-Zan IV is a colossally huge creature similar his predecesor, Ugh-Zan 3.
  • Author Avatar:
    • The clandestine "fanboy" monsters are Croteam caricatures seen in the hole-and-corner developer thousand.
    • While more of a publisher than an author, Fork Parker, the financial director of Devolver Digital, appears every bit a selectable multiplayer pare for those who preordered the game.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: Melee attacks. When in sufficient range of nearly enemies, pressing the melee button will cause Sam to pull off an awesome 1-Hit Kill, like breaking a Cloned Soldier's neck, pulling the head off a Kleer, stomping a Hatchling Spider, fierce a Gnaar'due south center out, ripping a Beheaded Rocketeer's centre right out of its breast or decapitating a Scrapjack. These moves, while awesomely gory, have a 2nd or two to pull off; this doesn't sound similar much, but being immobilized for any corporeality of time in a game congenital effectually circle-strafing is bad news, leaving you vulnerable to the non-finish Zerg Rush of all the other enemy classes attacking you at the aforementioned time. Plus, all of the enemies that can be killed with melee can as well be killed in 1 hit with the sledgehammer, which doesn't leave you vulnerable while using information technology. The only enemy against which it's actually useful is the Hatchling Arachnoid Spider, since information technology has quite some range against them and very depression execution time.
  • Bad Santa: Post-release, the Santa Sam complimentary skin.
  • Badass Boast: Just in the game'southward Darkest Hour:

"It's not over until I teabag every last 1 of you alien motherfuckers"

  • Purse of Spilling: At the starting time of the "Lost Temples Of Nubia" level, Sam loses everything save for the Syrian Mutilator attached to his arm.
  • Barred from the Afterlife: According to NETRICSA, this is the status of the Witch-Helpmate of Achriman, trapped in the oombo between the shadow world and the real globe.
  • Battle Theme Music: Sam's offset run across with a Khnum (equally a boss) has an instrumental version of Undercode's "Terminal Fight".
  • Trounce Still, My Heart: When a beheaded rocketeer's heart is removed with a melee kill, it still beats a couple of times.
  • BFG: In addition to the returning weapons of Sam'due south overpowered arsenal, BFE introduces the Devastator, an automatic rocket launcher that tin hold twenty rounds and fires 40mm "loftier-piercing high-explosive" rounds.
  • Bloodshot Ending: Sam ends upwardly defeating the powerful Ugh-Zan Four and activates the Timelock, thus traveling dorsum in time for Serious Sam: The First Run into, but Mental throws the moon at the Globe causing both to be destroyed immediately after.
  • Blackout Basement: Every single secret location. There are no lights of whatsoever kind save for Sam's Infinite Flashlight. These locations are almost always puzzle-oriented, with less intensive gainsay sequences.
  • Blatant Item Placement: Weapons are scattered around more than realistically, but ammo crates for rockets and C4 in particular are still placed in areas where they would be very helpful, such as, say, just before a dominate that can simply be damaged by explosives.
  • Body Horror: Both the Cloned and Beheaded soldiers look less similar cartoon soldiers like in past games and more like Strogg (more specifically, like the Quake IV Tactical Strogg).
    • The Cloned Soldiers take damaged skin by acrid and temperature equally a side effect of the process of their implants.
    • Instead of a head, beheaded soldiers have a "Life Control Unit".
  • Border Patrol: BFE has a nasty surprise for those who desire to wander off into the desert. Challenging the Sandwhale is key to finding a few secrets.
  • Boring, only Practical: The assault rifle is a bog standard FPS set on rifle (consummate with aim-down-sights), but it deals surprisingly decent harm, with 10 or so rounds doing roughly every bit much damage equally one rocket hit. Ammo for information technology is also extremely common, making it a decent all-rounder weapon for most of the game.
  • Dominate in Mook Clothing: The Khnum are huge, sturdy foes first fought as a boss. While your regular Developed Arachnoid, Scrapjack or Adult Biomechanoid can go down with simply a C4 attached to information technology, a Khnum takes three of them at minimum, and he has a dart attack to get almost Sam and then using C4 or rockets end upward beingness a bit suicidal. Furthermore, his fireball arc is difficult to avoid, and he'south surrounded by other troops.
  • Butterface: The Witch Harpies. According to NETRICSA, the entirety of their advent is there for deception reasons, as they hibernate their even more than hideous selves. Especially their Nightmare Face.
  • Telephone call-Forward:
    • Echoing a sequence in TFE, a lonely Beheaded Kamikaze comes running over a colina. Afterwards taking him out, Sam utters a Bond One-Liner... just for a whole horde of them to come surging over that same hill.
    • Sam'due south dual Shofield .45'south in Serious Sam: The Commencement Encounter are apparently named "Smith" and "Wesson", though they're never named as such in that game. In BFE, even so, he calls his make new SOP38 pistol "Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson" note Yeah, that'due south two names for a single pistol.
  • Concatenation Lightning: In a sense. The Syrian Mutilator tin lasso up to four enemies at a time if you snare i and hover the cursor over the others, and it'll destroy all of them at once.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Yous know those Sand Worms that go on trying to munch Sam if he wanders out into the desert? Well, they do that to anything, including the Final Boss, which gives you an opening to Assault Its Weak Signal.
  • Scarlet Tapping: Ripped out hearts or skulls can exist thrown at enemies for a minor amount of impairment. In addition to small harm, the attack is delayed and rather inaccurate. Killing an enemy that way yields an achievement.
  • Chicken Walker: Both varieties of Biomechanoids walk in this fashion.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Sam, as part of the Darker and Edgier package, which sets it apart from the rest of the games.
  • Colony Drib: The ending involves the Moon falling on Earth shortly subsequently Sam enters the Time-Lock.
  • Convection Schmonvection: Oddly inverted with the destruction of the World. The shattered fragments of the drapery and core are nonetheless orange-hot later the Moon shatters the planet, but they visibly cool down within ninety seconds as the credits ringlet. With no atmosphere in space, there's nowhere the Earth's fragments could peradventure vent that heat (the same reason the Earth'due south mantle is still hot in real life later 4.6 billion years).
  • Cool Shades: This game reintroduces Sam's sunglasses after being chronologically absent-minded during both Serious Sam: The Second Encounter and Serious Sam Ii.
  • Copy Protection:
    • Pirated copies of BFE will spawn a special Adult Arachnoid reserved only for pirates. It'due south invincible, fast as hell, and utterly annoys the player with its machineguns.
    • When, or rather if, information technology was bypassed, the player would periodically beginning spinning wildly while looking upwards at level 5.
  • Creator Cameo: There'south a secret "Thou of Fame" in the first level which contains posters with the creators' names.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: BFE introduces I-Striking Kill melee attacks to Sam'southward arsenal. Among other things, he can rip the eye out of a Gnaar, rip the center out of a Beheaded Rocketeer or twist the confront off a Scrapjack. Most of these come with ludicrous amounts of blood sprayed all over the camera. If that wasn't enough, he can then toss the newly obtained gib at some other enemy - potentially killing information technology! This nets yous the "Useful Trophy" achievement. This gib is also cardinal for several secrets.
  • Custom Uniform: Sam doesn't vesture the standard military uniform the redshirts do. Neither does Hellfire.
  • Beautiful Monster Girl: The Witch-Brides Of Achriman, female humanoid monsters with half-dozen tentacles protruding from their back.
  • Cyborg: In addition to the usual examples, the Arachnoids are retconned into this in BFE. In dissimilarity to the by two games, the adult Arachnoids at present have their red armor surgically attached to their skin (on the front of their torsos also as their arms, heads, and two of their legs) and their machine guns built into their pincers.
  • Damn You, Musculus Memory!: I achievement requires y'all to refrain from sprinting, aiming downwards sights or manually reloading for an unabridged campaign runthrough. If you've played whatsoever modern shooter where these gameplay elements are an integral part of the core gameplay, it becomes difficult to avert.
  • Darker and Edgier: Compared to the rest of the serial. A more somber tone, more gore and violence (though that was to exist expected), a more serious story and retcon of the Sirians to be serious. On the other mitt, Sam and the in-game jokes assistance keep the mood surprisingly light for the most part.
  • Darkest Hr: After Sam activates the Time-Lock, Mental goes full-strength against Earth's forces, and anybody not named Sam Stone begins to perish, either at the hand of Mental'southward forces or in the eventual Colony Drop. Information technology's up to Sam to discover the Time-Lock and travel back in time, as current-day Earth is doomed.
  • Mortiferous Lunge: Kleer Skeletons and Cave Demons have a leap attack that sips Sam from a chunk of his health.
  • Degraded Dominate: Most of the early bosses, with the exception of the starting time Khnum, are only bosses considering you lack more powerful weapons, though they at least have iii times as much health as the normal mook versions and you fight them in an area that is tailor-fabricated to teach you how the boss'due south weapon works:
    • The Developed Arachnoid is fought in an area with plenty of columns to take cover from its minigun cannons. After, non only he's quicker and easier to take down, just there are specific weapons such as the C4 Explosives that can bring information technology downward in i hit.
    • The Major Biomechanoid is fought in the Ibn Tulun Mosque, and in addition to its increased wellness, it has the unique ability to sprint. In this boxing, the mosque's columns and the central structure are your only covers confronting the Mecha's rockets, just you'll likewise have a lot of room to maneuver. Later on, not only the form loses its health and sprinting just also some of its size. Also, similar the Developed Arachnoids, certain weapons such equally the same C4 Explosives tin can bring it down in 1 hitting.
    • The Technopolip Helicopter is fought beyond an expanse full of coverage areas, and during the initial phase of the assail is immune to your weapons' damage, as you don't have proper weapons against it. If you didn't find the secret Rocket Launcher, you need to travel to the end of the level and option up that one so y'all can bring it down easily. Later on fights against it rely on your explosive weapons and it takes less harm to be brought down.
    • The Witch-Bride of Achriman is fought in an area full of coverage, which comes in handy when dealing with her annoying telekinetic attacks. She'due south likewise the squishiest of all the mook "bosses", in spite of its increased wellness. Even notwithstanding, she takes quite the beating before falling downwards.
    • The wellness bar on the first Khnum you fight serves to show you that they're Immune to Bullets. A crate of C4 at the reverse end of the surface area from when y'all beginning meet the dominate provides the all-time means of taking him down, unless yous've really been saving up on rockets and devastator rounds.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: The last level features a very washed out color palette even if you have the color filter prepare to the colorful Brilliant. It's meant to indicate that the upshot Mental'due south magical influence has on Earth has reached a boiling indicate.
  • Destructible Projectiles: Missiles from both Sam and the monsters (specially Scrapjack and Adult Biomechanoid rockets) can be shot downwardly.
  • Developers' Foresight:
    • If you pick upward Sam's classic ruby sneakers, he'll accept them for the rest of the game. The aforementioned is true for the Sirian Mutillator.
    • Getting into many closed areas in the metropolis levels allow yous to escape via either a set of conveniently placed barrels or whatsoever other means of escape. As for the other closed areas...
  • Disc-One Nuke:
    • Y'all can become the Single Shotgun about 10 seconds into the offset level of BFE.
    • The second level offers a secret Laser Rifle if you know where to look, which effortlessly shreds the Major Biomechanoid boss from the third level.
    • Information technology'south possible to find a C4 bunch as a secret in the fourth level. It'south needed for some other secret, just said secret area has an alternate entrance. For the record, C4 can tear down Developed Biomechanoids, Scrapjacks and Adult Arachnoids in one shot.
      • In that same level (and aforementioned secret to boot!), Sam can notice the Rocket Launcher before he's supposed to do. Notwithstanding, the Technopolip volition even so be invincible until Sam picks up the Rocket Launcher when and where he's supposed to do, so Sam must even so attain the stop of the level.
    • The SBC Cannon can be found in the 5th level as a secret, with its proper introduction taking place way later in the game.
    • The Serious Minigun and the Devastator can be found in secrets of the sixth level, "The Secret Riddler", before it's properly introduced several levels afterward. Their power will assist you tear downward small squads as well equally big foes, though in these levels you lot'll exist brusk on ammo. In this level you can likewise discover the Sniper Rifle, which is even more than rare and whose zoomed shots are capable of one-shooting annihilation from mid-to-lower tiers from huge distances.
  • Disproportionate Retribution:
    • Picking up a mere 1HP or ane armor pickup might trigger an ambush with hordes of enemies, some of them being high-tier.
    • The "cloak-and-dagger Arc de Triumphe" in the first level requires Sam to walk on a nearby arc, after which a bunch of Beheaded Kamikazes announced and run towards him.
    • The "hugger-mugger nuthouse" in the 5th level. Option up a unmarried 1HP pickup, become ambushed by three Major Biomechanoids. Proceed in heed, this is in an area also cramped to effectively contrivance their rockets, the monster form was an end-level boss in the third level, and unless y'all've been grabbing secret weapons, you however don't have whatsoever decent weapons against them yet.
  • Distaff Analogue: Hellfire, the chopper pilot, is this towards Sam: a 1-liner sprouting soldier who uses a Custom Compatible and has quite the mental attitude.
  • Doomed by Canon: Whatever character non named Sam Rock eats the dust during the game thanks to it existence a prequel of TFE. This includes every Ruddy Shirt ally/team member of Sam, everyone at Mission Control, and, by the terminate of the game, everyone, period.
  • Double Entendre: On being told by Sam that he needs to reactivate the Sirian generators, Hellfire responds with this:

    "Oh, at present y'all can turn things on?"

  • Drop the Hammer: Sam'due south melee weapon for most of the game is a Sledgehammer. It can One-Hit Impale any enemy short of a Kleer Skeleton, and the horizontal and spinning swings tin can wreck multiple enemies at one time. When going against upwards to mid-tier monsters, it's a reasonably effective Emergency Weapon.
  • Earth-Shattering Kaboom: The Globe gets destroyed at the end of the game, by nothing brusk of Mental dropping the moon on it.
  • Elaborate Underground Base: Quite an understatement for the ginormous Sirius complex below Egypt. It houses an ahead-of-its-time technological city housing the generators Sam must actuate in order to power up the Time Lock.
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: Sam gets a jetpack during the final dominate fight.
  • Emergency Weapon: The melee Sledgehammer, the ranged SOP38 and later, the Sirian Mutilator.
  • Enemy Summoner: The Alcor Class Warship deploys up to 20.000 enemies as one of its "offensive" tactics.
  • Everybody's Expressionless, Dave: BFE wastes no time in offing every Cherry-red Shirt that shows up, merely past the terminate of the game, everyone except Sam, including Quinn and very likely Hellfire is expressionless. And we exercise mean ''everybody''.
  • Every x,000 Points: Lives make a return from Ii in that Sam needs them to keep fighting, otherwise is Game Over, but only during co-op sessions.
  • Evil Laugh: Scrapjacks will chuckle heartily if they manage to kill a histrion with their rockets.
  • Expy:
    • The Scrapjack and Khnum enemies bear a resemblance to Doom'due south Mancubi and Hell Knights, both in appearance and attacks. The Cloned Soldiers also bear a resemblance to the Zombiemen, beingness disposable and weak human enemies with hitscan weaponry. Because that Croteam was approached by Id in guild to work on what ended up beingness Doom (2016), this is hardly surprising.
    • The Khnums can also be considered expies of the TFE enemy Alundran Reptiloid, Highlander, with a little bit of the the Fiendian Reptiloid Demons from Serious Sam: The Second Meet. They look vaguely similar, are roughly the same height, are both enemies encountered start as a boss and then every bit a behemothic mook, and they both use fireballs as their chief attack. Nonetheless, the Khnums are stronger, faster, do more damage than the Highlanders and are Allowed to Bullets. Khnums are besides ii-armed as opposed to the Highlanders' multiple arms, and their fireball attack has an arc pattern instead of being homing projectiles.
    • Likewise, the Scrapjacks besides behave a resemblance to the Bull Soldiers from Serious Sam 2, and to some extent, the Zumbuls from The Second Come across.
  • Exploding Barrels: Ruddy and yellowish ones which explode with the slightest shot. Scarce and more than dangerous than in previous games. Sure levels incorporate rooms full of them, and firimg in these rooms is not recommended.
  • Explosive Breeder: The Antaresian Spiders. Finding a field full of spider eggs and shooting ane is a proficient fashion to get swarmed by little spiders.
  • Eye Scream: Sam's melee execution of the Gnaar enemies involve him gouging the eye out of the hapless victim.
  • Fan Disservice: The Witch-Harpies are topless with detailed breasts and nipples except their face is the stuff of nightmares (NSFW).
  • Finishing Move: Sam can destroy enemies in one hitting with a melee attack.
  • Fling a Calorie-free into the Future: Inverted. Sam is the but survivor of Mental's Alien Invasion and he gets to enter the Fourth dimension-Lock before Mental destroys the Globe, thus, Sam is the "light" that gets flinged into the by.
  • Flunky Boss:
    • The Alcor Class Warship fights by deploying other races into the battlefield.
    • Ugh-Zan Iv fights aslope wave after numerous wave of enemies.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • I of the posters in the secret yard of fame of the first level is "Look backside you, a Three-Headed Gnaar!". Hellfire may not accept been killed by a three-headed one, but she should accept checked backside her during her terminal chat with Sam.
    • Afterwards Sam exits the temple in the level "The Final Homo on Earth", a Gnaar taunts Sam by claiming that Tah-Um is coming to "moon" him. While Sam initially takes this literally, if y'all wait into the sky you tin encounter the moon clearly visible for the first time in the game.
  • Fun with Acronyms: "BFE" equally an acronym stands for "Bumfuck, Egypt", significant "in the middle of nowhere"[1]. The activity in the prequel takes place in the ruined cities of Egypt.
  • Gatling Practiced: In addition to Sam'southward weapons, this gets turned against the histrion, where Gatling Spotter Guns will target Sam if he enters their view. Funnily plenty, he obtains his Gatling gun from one of these sentries.
  • Guide Dang It!: The Sniper Burglarize and the Laser Gun brand their return in BFE, although without knowing all the secret places, one might retrieve they never always announced in this game at all. The ammunition for these ii guns is extremely rare, every bit well.
  • Gun Accessories:
    • The assault rifle features a vertical foregrip, a flashlight that Sam never uses, and an EOTech reflex sight that zooms in the view and negates bullet spread when used.
    • The shotgun has an empty side saddle that's there just to doll up the weapon, every bit the gun is fed with detachable box mags.
    • Getting the Deluxe edition adds a sniper scope to the Devastator.
  • The Goomba: In add-on to the usual examples, the Cloned Soldiers, who are weak, lower tier enemies who fall hands, as well as the Spider Hatchlings, who fall hands and quickly to Sam'south kicking.
  • Guide Dang It!: In no part of the game prior to the fifth level'southward last part is indicated that the Alcor Class Warship can only be damaged in its deploying chambers, and only when these are opened. Luckily, said chambers are highly susceptible to weapon harm, which makes the fight less of a job.
  • Easily-Complimentary Handlamp: Sam has a flashlight, installed in his belt buckle, that he turns on (regardless of histrion input) in basements and crypts where the sunlight doesn't reach. In an odd twist, the assault rifle has a mounted flashlight that Sam never uses.

    "Allow at that place be lite!"

  • Difficult Levels, Easy Bosses: In BFE, the difficulty between bosses and levels is more even (if merely because herds of bosses go parts of the levels).
  • Immune to Bullets:
    • Khnums and the infested attack choppers can only exist damaged with explosive weapons.
    • The Alcor Form Warship tin can just exist damaged with projectiles at certain weak points.
  • Improvised Weapon: Sam uses a conveniently placed pile of metal poles to plow Ugh-Zan IV into a behemothic walking lightning rod.
  • In the Back: While in-game Sam getting attacked from the back would spawn enough entrances to guarantee an own page, at that place are some more than notable cases:
    • Hellfire meets her end later being attacked from behind by a Gnaar who then proceeds to taunt Sam.
    • This is the modus operandi of the Cavern Demons, who will wait strapped either to the dorsum of a column or a wall until Sam has their back turned in gild to jump-attack him.
  • Infinite Flashlight: Whenever Sam goes hush-hush, he turns on his light. It tin stay lit indefinitely.
  • Insectoid Aliens: In addition to the Arachnoids, the Antaresian spiders, who are seemingly less intelligent, relying on Zerg Blitz and their natural armor, acrid spit, and jaws. They also just dearest to brand giant egg nests everywhere, including in the center of cities.
  • "Instant Expiry" Radius:
    • Ugh-Zan IV and, to some extent, many medium-large enemies that attack mainly from long-range like Scrapjacks and Khnums.
    • Major Biomechanoids are an interesting variation: at close range, you can't dodge their rockets, and they have tons of Splash Damage to shred Sam with.
  • Interface Screw:
    • The Witch-Brides of Achriman will use telekinesis to slightly pixelate your screen, dull you down, and if you're close plenty to them lift you into the air and throw yous around.
    • The first time yous met the Alcor Form Warship, it will decolor the screen.
  • Interquel: Set between Serious Sam 4 and Serious Sam: The Start Run into.
  • Invisible Wall: In the city levels, bearded as part of the rubble of the ruined buildings.
  • Kaiju: Ugh Zan IV is large enough to qualify. Different its predecessor, its size isn't even listed, but it'south still the biggest monster of the entire game.
  • Kung Fu-Proof Mook: Airborne Mooks, Sirian Werebulls and Beheaded Kamikazes cannot be melee-killed.
  • Terminal of His Kind: Sam is the last human standing by the stop of the game.
  • Lightning Bruiser:
    • The Major Biomechanoids are a lot faster than yous'd expect from their huge size. They can shut the distance to you surprisingly quickly, especially in tighter areas.
    • Ugh-Zan 4 is much faster than Ugh-Zan Iii was, largely due to his much longer stride thanks to his mechanical spider legs. In fact even without his regeneration you probably wouldn't be able to beat him without the jetpack, as you only tin't run fast plenty to prevent him from just walking over and stepping on you lot.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: The rockets fired by the Scrapjack are weak, simply they fire a lot of them. In ane example in the final level, around eight Scrapjacks appear at the aforementioned fourth dimension in an open canyon, and cover the entire area with rockets.
  • Marathon Level: Several later levels can feel like this... but "The Guardian of Time" takes the block. 17.000 enemies, followed past the terminal boss fight, make this level not just a marathon, only an Ironman triathlon.
  • Mission Control: Quinn, the faceless woman who keeps feeding Sam with orders, data, and the occasional banter.
  • Mook Debut Cutscene:
    • The Gnaar, your first enemy, climbs the belfry where Sam just landed. Every bit Sam lacks weaponry at this early point in the game, he must execute the Gnaar by ripping his heart out.
    • The Beheaded Kamikazes are introduced in a similar way as in Serious Sam: The Start Encounter: showtime a alone kamikaze runs from what looks similar a hill, Sam kills it, sprouts a one-liner and then several more than appear.
    • The Antaresian Spiders are introduced in an abandoned research facility/museum. Sam is whistling the Spider-Human theme while walking across a hall with suspicious organic structures, and subsequently he finishes, these structures hatch and give identify to the creatures they've been holding.
    • The Major Arachnoid appears among some ruins in the 2d level equally a boss. As usual, Sam sprouts a ane-liner earlier and subsequently the fight.
    • The Major Biomechanoid appears in the arena portion of the Ibn Tulun Mosque every bit a boss, breaking part of the scenery after Sam disposed of many enemy waves.
    • The Technopolip parasite is introduced in the aforementioned level, where Sam observes a chopper which was supposed to rescue him being shot down by the aforementioned Biomechanoid. Yet, subsequently Sam reaches the chopper, information technology gets invaded past a parasite who Sam must pursue and take down.
    • The Scrapjack appears in the "Unearthing the Sun" level, correct at the starting time, exiting the temple Sam is supposed to infiltrate.
  • Mook Maker: The Alcor Class Warship can summon smaller monsters.
  • More than Deadly Than the Male: Female Gnaars are bigger and have more than hitpoints than their male counterparts. They're still cannon fodder, though.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family: This game's version of the Gnaar has three rows of teeth, which, according to NETRICSA, permit them to champ annihilation including garbage and rotting corpses.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Ugh-Zan Iv has four arms, ii of them cybernetic.
  • Neck Snap: How Sam disposes of Cloned Soldiers and Minor Arachnids.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Some of the graffiti blames Sam and/or the EDF for bringing Mental's hordes to Earth.
  • No Fair Adulterous: Downplayed in the PC version. Installing mods has no result on your score but disables the online leaderboards (the game fifty-fifty asks you lot on launch if you want to turn your mods on for this session).
  • No-Gear Level: At the beginning of "The Lost Temples of Nubia", Sam loses all of his arsenal except for his starting weapons and the Sirius Mutillator.
  • No Scope: Disencouraged with the Sniper Rifle. Firing information technology while unscoped, the shot will exist subjected to a lot of spread. NETRICSA explains that it's a failsafe engaged when the rifle is fired outside an optimal shooting position, to forestall the recoil of the 16mm round from breaking the shooter's wrist.
  • Noodle Incident: Ugh-Zan Iv is actually the biological father of Ugh-Zan 3 thanks to an accident with an experimental time machine.
  • Not-Mammal Mammaries: The game provides a plausible caption for the Scythian Witch-Harpies having breasts despite being a bird-like species. The Harpy's datafile indicates the breasts are non-functional, and are merely an evolved form of predatory mimicry for alluring primate prey (i.e. horny men).
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • In a Call-Back to TFE, Sam kills a lone Kamikaze and snarks at it, only to hear a horde of them coming just over a nearby hill.
    • Early on in BFE, when Sam meets the Major Biomechanoid...

      Sam: Uh oh.

  • One Bullet Clips: The pistol, shotgun, assault rifle and Devastator.
  • One-Hit Polykill: In add-on to the Cannonballs, the Devastator's grenades can pierce through minor fry enemies if they're shut enough. There'south an achievement for skewering v with i shot.
  • Painfully Boring Projectile: The chief reason rockets are non as effective at a range anymore is because near enemies have really learned to movement out of the mode of them, which is piece of cake since they're very slow. In addition, 90% of enemy projectiles count. Averted with the Khnums' fireballs, though – their rockets fly hundreds of meters in a fraction of a 2d.
  • Powers via Possession: The Technopolip parasite appears to enhance the Apache'due south durability significantly, as its immunity to bullets now extends to anti-fabric rifles, and it can take multiple rockets before going down.
  • Prequel: Towards Serious Sam: The Offset Meet, as information technology details Sam'southward last moments on his day's Earth before beingness sent dorsum in time.
  • Psychic Powers: Witch-Brides take powerful telekinesis, in addition to the standard psychic powers of levitation, force fields, and enhanced immovability. Notably, the beginning ane you see has a short cutscene where it picks up a piece of rubble the size of a small-scale car and uses its telekinesis to crush information technology into pebbles. As soon as the gameplay begins, she tries the aforementioned thing on Sam, but it only does nigh ten points of harm to him.
  • Punched Beyond the Room: Sam's melee set on against total-health soldiers transport them flying far with a kick, leaving them vulnerable for other weapons to terminate them off.
  • Puppeteer Parasite: An odd case with the Technopolip parasite, which infest machines rather than people — in this case, attack helicopters. The kickoff time you face one, you lack weapons that tin can damage it and must apply buildings to avoid it until yous find a Rocket Launcher.
  • Puzzle Boss:
    • The helicopter parasite boss fight tin can only be brought down with explosives. So, during the battle, it gains invulnerability until Sam gets a Rocket Launcher.
    • The Alcor Course Warship has some weak points that open up whenever the transport is deploying troops and must be shot downwardly as soon every bit they open, for them are their only attackable points.
  • Ranged Emergency Weapon: The pistol. Ammo for it is infinite and it fires and reloads decently fast, but it has very depression firepower.
  • Rated Grand for Manly: Merely one infinitesimal into BFE, yous end upwardly facing a Gnaar unarmed. How to deal with it? Rip its center out barehanded.
  • "Ray of Promise" Ending: The game ends with Mental successfully destroying Globe, but not before Sam successfully sending himself to the past to end Mental during his weakest. The "Hero" theme played in the cease credits signify this.
  • Red Shirt: Sam's squadmates in BFE are given just plenty dialogue in the opening cutscene to make you recollect they'll at least play a small-scale function in the story, then are promptly killed off in the beginning level. Other than Hellfire, all other human allies that appear later in the game suffer similar "killed-equally-soon-equally-they're-introduced" deaths.
  • Retcon: BFE performs one on the Back Story of the previous games. Sam was not called to become back in time. He was the only guy left alive and close enough to become to the Timelock, and took it upon himself to spring through.
  • Roar Before Beating: Some of the bosses do this.
  • Ruins of the Modern Age: Seen in some of the early levels, set in a ruined El Cairo.
  • Running Gag: Helicopters getting shot downwards.
  • Sand Worm: Sandwhales, One-Hit Kill kaiju-size. These won't let Sam go into the open desert.
  • Satchel Charge: The C4 explosives, a agglomeration of tied-upward explosives modelled after a Satchel charge using C4 explosives that are used confronting heavier enemies (such as the Khnum) and bosses (such every bit Lord Achriman and Ugh-Zan VI) and to clear obstacles upwardly. Its activation is washed via remote control after Sam throws a pack.
  • Scenery Porn: The artwork and nugget production teams at Croteam deserve their praise for making everything look stunning, fifty-fifty in a game where looking at the scenery during a firefight is not recommended. Highlights of the game include the Arab republic of egypt desert post-Great Pyramid levels as well equally the sections involving the futuristic look of the Elaborate Hole-and-corner Base of operations of the Sirians.
  • Sentinel Gun: EDF's Minigun turrets. They eschew friend-or-foe technology in favor of sheer immovability, and then they'll shoot Sam down just equally readily every bit they will Mental's monster hordes; fortunately, their constructive range is shown past a laser aiming array, and in that location's a small grace distance where the turret will aim at Sam in warning just not shoot.
  • Shiny Sense: Ammo glows yellow, wellness red, armor blue, weapons greenish, and key items purple. This was done to compensate the lack of spinning around mid air and sparkling in the previous installments.
  • Sprint Shoes: In addition to the sprint shoes, Sam tin dart at will for any altitude he needs to sprint to.
  • Sticky Grenade: The C4 explosives accept a variation: they substitution glue for a pair of hooks that nevertheless manage to get them fastened to Sam's enemies.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Although they are meant to be expies of the Mancubus enemies from Doom, the Scrapjacks also serve as this to the the Balderdash-Soldiers (themselves being substitutes to the Zumbul enemies), who too duel-wield rocket-launchers, from Serious Sam 2.
    • The Cloned Soldiers, equally well as beingness expies to the zombie soldiers from Doom, also serve as this to the Zorg enemies from The Second Encounter. The shotgun-carrying Cloned Soldiers likewise serve as this to the Zombie Stockbrokers, who also carry shotguns, from Serious Sam 2.
    • The new Antaresian Spider enemies are also this to the Spider Mechanoid enemies from Serious Sam two.
    • The new Technopolip helicopter enemies are noticeably reminiscent to another helicopter enemy from Serious Sam 2.
  • Take That!:
    • During 1 level, after defeating a wave of enemies, Sam uses one of Duke Nukem'south phrases: "Damn, I'm good!". Subsequently defeating some other wave, he follows up with "Damn, I'm better than good!".
    • The BFE trailer ends with "No cover. All man.", ane towards cover-based games. It reappears (in Arabic) every bit graffiti in the game proper.
    • The Cloned Rifleman/Shotgunner enemies seem to exist making fun of "mod war machine shooters".
    • The "Serious Sam Help Line" series of trailers contain lots of these; at one betoken the operator tells someone who wants regenerating health to "terminate being such a f*** p***".
  • Tempting Fate: The trend of Sam to talk a lot before the events happen is lampshaded during his last chat with Mental's daughter.

    Judy Mental: Are you serious?

    Sam: Why yep, equally a matter of fact, I am.

  • Threat Backfire: A Gnaar threatens Sam that he will be mooned. Sam isn't impressed, nor is he when Mental's daughter, Judy, reiterates the threat. Cue the moon falling from orbit, prompting Sam to leap into the Timelock.
  • Too Awesome to Employ: In add-on to the Cannon, Snipet Rifle and the Serious Bombs, some of the weapons fall into this equally well, due to their pickups giving generally less ammo, encouraging varying weapons more often. Goes double for the Laser gun, every bit ammo for it tin can only be caused in cloak-and-dagger areas.
  • Translator Microbes: In improver to NETRICSA, BFE features both onetime tablets with hieroglyphs and modern Egyptian graffiti in some areas. Upon looking at them, subtitles will announced in the original language, but then slowly transition to English (or whatsoever ready linguistic communication).
  • Turns Red: Major Biomechanoids and Scrapjacks kickoff to burn volley of rockets when damaged enough.
  • Updated Re-release: And so far the game was subjected to the VR (as a free-motility culling to The Last Promise) and Fusion handling (which shows the capabilities of the Serious Engine 4).
  • Utility Weapon: Aside from ammo-efficient crowd command, the Syrian Mutilator can brand large enemies hold yet for a little scrap, and even be used to brand pull-assisted jumps.
  • Voice with an Internet Connection: Quinn acts as Sam's Mission Command.
  • The State of war Sequence: The last level is this par excellence. Yous fight your mode through a gauntlet of 1700+ enemies, more any other single level in the entire series, before going upwards against the final boss.

    Jewel of the Nile

  • An Axe to Grind: Sam gets to utilize an axe every bit a melee weapon.
  • Ascended Extra: A non-character variation; the sniper rifle is treated like a regular weapon in this campaign, rather than making near of its appearances in secret areas.
  • Flunky Boss: Rahloom, the Giant Scrapjack fights alongside many enemies.
  • Noodle Incident: We learn that Sam was nicknamed "Hairy" in high schoolhouse. The story apparently involves goats, and that's all nosotros know.

Gnaar: It's all over, Sam. Y'all tin't win.
Sam: Over? Oh, it's not over until I teabag every last one of you alien motherfuckers!
Gnaar: It's too belatedly. Tah-Um is coming to moon you.
Sam: Huh? He tries to moon me? I'll shoot his ass off and hang it on my wall. See y'all in 3000 B.C. bowwow, I'1000 headin' for the Time-Lock.


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